What lessons can we learn from the Pilgrims? Many--and it all comes back to faith. In the book of Hebrews, it states: "Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." The Pilgrims sailed to America because of their faith. They wrote the Mayflower Compact based on God's Word and signed it by faith. They persevered in the harsh climate because of their faith. They befriended the native Americans because of their faith. Their uncompromising belief in God and His Word became the cornerstone of the colony and in turn of the new nation. The choice of the Pilgrims is clear: believe God in all circumstances.
Governor Bradford once wrote these words that should stir our hearts to greater levels of thankfulness for all we possess and enjoy: "We have noted these things so that you might see their worth and not negligently lose what your fathers have obtained with so much hardship." Psalm 105:5 "Remember His wonders which He has done; His marvels and the judgments uttered by His mouth."
The following year there was a severe drought. The colonists prayed and fasted, and the Lord sent the rain. Enough corn was harvested for the next year and even extra to trade. God performed another miracle. Another Thanksgiving was shared with the Indians. The Indians recognized the hand of God in ending the drought. Legend has it that there were 5 kernels of corn at each plate so no one would forget God's loving care.
1 comment:
You are amazing Diane!
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