Recipes and Stories for a Full, Filled Life

John 10:10 - Jesus said, "I came that they (you and me) may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance - to the full, til it overflows.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hot Cranberry Punch

This punch recipe, which is in my cookbook, is a comforting drink to serve on a cold day.

1 bottle (2 qt.) cranberry juice
6 (3 inch) cinnamon sticks
12 whole cloves
Pour about half of the juice in a pan with the cinnamon sticks and cloves.
Simmer 45 minutes. Strain. Discard cinnamon and cloves.

Add the following:
1 c. sugar
4 c. orange juice
1 c. lemon juice
remainder of the bottle of cranberry juice

Warm to dissolve sugar.

Note: This can be made up to 2 weeks ahead, kept refrigerated and heated as needed.

Did you know that cranberry plants can live 150 years?

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